Feb. 22, Nationwide Cellphone Outage

Dear Oxford Schools Community,

As you may be aware, there is currently a nationwide cell phone outage affecting AT&T, and some T-Mobile, and Verizon users.

Oakland County Emergency Management has communicated, that emergency 911 service including text-to-911 have been impacted for cell service across the nation, including Oakland County. The outage is intermittent and is occurring on the cellular signal. In the event of an emergency the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office recommends continued attempts to use 911 or call 248-858-4911.

If you believe your child needs additional school-based support, there are resources available at your child’s school. Please contact your child’s school to discuss how best to support your child’s needs related to this cellphone outage. Additional information will be communicated to you as soon as it becomes available. 

Please be assured that all district phone lines are currently working properly if you need to contact your child’s school or district offices.

- Oxford Community Schools