March 18, Upcoming Solar Eclipse Information

Dear Oxford Community Schools Families, 

April 8, 2024, offers students and community members a unique educational opportunity to witness a rare total solar eclipse. This event provides a chance for students to witness a truly remarkable natural phenomenon. The timeline for our area, 1:58 p.m. - 4:27 p.m., coincides with end of the day activities and our regularly scheduled dismissal, which varies at each building.  As a result, we are taking safety measures into account and have created guidelines for our students and staff during the eclipse.   

The district has ordered solar eclipse glasses so all students and staff members can safely view this exciting event.  The glasses are ISO and CE certified and are listed as a vendor on the American Astronomical Society (AAS) site.  All students will receive these glasses by their teacher on Monday, April 8.  Beginning at 1:58pm, we will suspend general recess for all students at the elementary level.  Students in grades 2 -12 may have the opportunity to view some of the eclipse outside before dismissal.  This will vary based on classroom teacher and specific building schedules.  Students who are able to view the eclipse will be supervised by their classroom teacher and will be required to wear district provided safety glasses at all times.  Each building will have additional staff outside to appropriately monitor student safety. 

Each parent will be receiving a communication from their Principal during the week of April 1 which will outline building specifics related to eclipse activities.  Any student who is not comfortable going outside during the eclipse will be supervised inside with an alternative activity.  Parents may also complete our Parent Opt-out form by Thursday, April 4, if you wish for your child to stay inside for any outdoor eclipse activity.  During dismissal, all students DK - 12 will be required to wear district provided safety glasses.  We will be conducting a slow, structured dismissal at the end of the day with additional staff present to help monitor and assist.  Any student riding a bus home will be required to wear their safety glasses at all times while on the bus until 4:27pm.  

For more information on safely viewing the eclipse, you can visit NASA’s website on Eclipse Safety at:


Dr. Vickie Markavitch