October 19, Final Guidepost Report Coming Soon


Dear Oxford Schools Families,

We wanted to update you on our continued work to ensure the health and safety of the district.  In 2022, Guidepost Solutions was hired to review the district’s response to the November 30, 2021, tragedy.  They released their first report this past spring, and in the days ahead they will release their final report. 

We have been continuing our strategic planning work on programs, protocols, procedures related to the safety and well being of our students and staff through our recovery plan.  Our dedication to excellence compels us to go above and beyond the threshold of what is acceptable to ensure best practices in all that we do.  Our compassionate and dedicated staff members are devoted to the students of this district to help them learn, grow, and become the best versions of themselves. 

Guidepost will be releasing their report to the board and to the public at the same time.  Once the district is notified of the release, we will share the link to Guidepost’s website where the report will be posted.

The following criteria will guide how we engage and review the report:

  • We are dedicated to excellence in the work that we do.
  • We will continue to respond with empathy and compassion for every person impacted by this tragedy. 
  • As a learning organization, we are committed to identifying improvements and making decisions that ensure the well being of every student and staff member within our district.

The November 30, 2021, tragedy brought loss, pain, and heartache to our community.  Following the release of the report, we will have increased mental health support on our campuses and the Oxford Resiliency Center will be expanding their hours.  Additionally, support from our county partners remains available as listed on our website.

While we are forever changed by what occurred, our community is defined by compassionate and heartfelt responses.  We have experienced tears of worry and cries of grief. We have also witnessed extraordinary love. This ability to deeply care for each other is what defines the Oxford community.  

Finally, we understand this second report may again generate media attention. Please know, we will continue to hold the same media protocols as in the past, protecting our educational environment and the privacy of our students and staff. Any media will be asked to remain off school property while students are learning.  

The loss and pain of November 30th has impacted all of our lives. Please never hesitate to reach out for help. Thank you for your continued support and partnership with Oxford Schools.


Dr. Vickie L. Markavitch
Oxford Community Schools Superintendent

Heather Shafer
Oxford Community Schools Board President